Saturday, 18 June 2011

support your country, lad!

well well, just as i thought i had Germans pegged as chilled-if-a-bit-excitable during football matches, blow me if they didn’t completely scupper that notion recently.

i made the ill-advised decision to go to a public screening of the germany-spain match, and had quite the fright don’t you know.
i rocked up at kick-off, sensibly avoiding the warm-up and instead filling up on pork-pies  and the like as you do, but shamefully forgetting my spastic-trumpet and mini german flag!
how i wish i could have joined in with the rest of the tribe and waved said flag with a self-mocking-but actually-fairly-gormless expression on my face.
as it was i had to sit through a sadly tedious game surrounded by a mixture of both the lazy and apathetic, and dominant, downward-fists-motion, mid-mating-season gorillas (the latter types were, terrifyingly, mostly women).
those who were clearly bored and weren’t really sure What People Do When A Game Of Football Is Boring absently and silently lolled about, slowly blinking or picking their nose in that disturbing way where the finger seems to stay poked awkwardly in the crevice until they are caught in the act by a disgusted or incredulous onlooker (me).
but it was the ones with voices that concerned me. the aggressive, once-every-two-years-when-my-country-plays-in-a-tournament, i’ll-suddenly-start-giving-a-shit types.
and here i think of england. “cam on saafgate, kick his fackin’ legs in” she cries.
“facking ‘AVE him” roars another.
“COME OOOOOOON” some dick brays from behind me.
“i’m gonna lose it in a minute” he mutters as i turn quickly back around - eyes red, knuckles white on long-empty pint glass.
i’m not sure why, but during these moments i rarely feel like mentioning that i couldn’t give a Flying Fuck whether england win or lose, and that i’m just here to hopefully see a good game (“sod off to the family section then, you raving poof”, one could argue would be the perhaps-justified response).
and back over here it's much the same....
“was soll das denn?” 
“scheiss auf deutschland...” 
our heroes battle valiantly for their €500,000 world cup winning bonus, but it’s all to no avail, and very slowly the grim realization that ‘it ain’t gonna ‘appen’ sets in, forming some hilariously vacant stares where once passionate, meaningful daggers had been.
as the final whistle goes, and people toodle off in small groups and the collective sense of togetherness that was a few seconds before so strong falls limply away, a previously silent member of the crowd suddenly starts whooping and leaping in the air, brandishing a colossal spanish flag while doing so.
i laughed, perhaps a little too loudly.

i still get a lot of stick from people back home for not giving a shit about how england fare in sport - people just don't get it.
it stems back, i guess, to my dad going - for want of a better expression - fucking berserk whenever ‘we’ scored a goal, to the point where as a young and fairly sensitive lad i would actually weep in fear of this sudden display of loud and terrifying epilepsy.
“calm down, you’re scaring the kids”, my mum once said.
as passive as the old man actually is, fast forward fifteen years to the world cup in 2002, and the sight of apes throwing rubbish bins through windows (that old classic!) when france beat england can’t help but evoke somewhat negative kind of emotions in me. YES, my parents fucked on one very special night (er...) on this same, wholesome piece of land as yours, but that is really all we have in common here. 
i’ll stop paraphrasing bill hicks, you get the point.
“you cynic! you sneer! you snide cunt.”, i hear you cry.
fair call. i guess there is something I’m missing, but praise the lord my lady feels exactly the same (where were you when i needed you, surrounded by a sea of loud, bellowing oafs), so although backed into a corner i still stand tall.
chest puffed. 

music print

now listen here, all you Wire-reading sailor boys.
much as the quality of the writing continues to impress, the focus in recent months, or more frustratingly since my subscription began, has been almost purely on what is amusingly described as ‘modern composition’.

(i ignorantly call it ‘noise’ but that is, i’ve since learnt, an entirely different genre i don’t like)
it all started at a party last year.
bored of watching, pointing, and laughing at faces posing awkwardly in pointless trilbies, i found myself casually perusing a copy of said magazine, and was quite happy to see madlib being extensively interviewed. not a month later, moritz von oswald on the front cover too.
hurrah, subscription ahoy.
oops. the first issue plops thru the letter box, and it’s only then that i realize that, once in the review section techno, house, and dubstep have been neatly compressed onto almost one page, and labelled somewhat bizarrely, ‘critical beats’, with hip-hop given a section of equal size just overleaf. cheers lads.
and so it is, that bar the occasionally interesting feature i all-too-oft sit there, flicking through slack-jawed at how little of it means anything to me, and have to deal with such journalistic genius as,
“the opening sounds resemble the flocking calls of wading birds”
“a contorted, metallic chord hangs, twitching, like a criminal from a gibbet”
“his appliances include a tube of coffee cans taped together to amplify the whining tones of rice cooking above a portable stove” (no, i am not making this shit up).
i’m lost.

i just can’t fathom it. 
am i a philistine?......perhaps.
accept yourself, as someone once great once put it.
don’t mind me, it’s great the magazine exists - it has to, i’m just pissed off that i’ve subscribed.
for a year.